
Concept Explanation



Eutrophication is a process of increasing the nutrient content of water which accelerates the growth of algae and  higher plants. An excessive growth or ‘blooms of algae in lakes rich in nutrients such as phosphates are called eutrophication. Humans add excessive amounts of plant nutrients (primarily phosphorus, nitrogen, and carbon) to streams and lakes in various ways. Runoff from agricultural fields and urban lawns, and untreated domestic sewage discharged into lakes are major sources of these nutrients.

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Sample Questions
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Question : 1

The increase phosphorus, nitrogen, and carbon in lakes speed up the algal blooms which, in turn, lead to ______________  depletion.

Right Option : A
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Question : 2

Eucalyptus trees have the capacity to _____________________

Right Option : B
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Question : 3

Eutrophication leads to death of aquatic flora and fauna due to __________________

Right Option : D
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